We describe a general procedure for constructing new explicit Sasaki metrics of constant scalar curvature (CSC), including Sasaki-Einstein metrics, from old ones. We begin by taking the join of a regular Sasaki manifold of dimension 2n + 1 and constant scalar curvature with a weighted Sasakian 3-sphere. Then by deforming in the Sasaki cone we obtain CSC Sasaki metrics on compact Sasaki manifolds M l1,l2,w of dimension 2n + 3 which depend on four integer parameters l 1 , l 2 , w 1 , w 2 . Most of the CSC Sasaki metrics are irregular. We give examples which show that the CSC rays are often not unique on the underlying fixed strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold. Moreover, it is shown that when the first Chern class of the contact bundle vanishes, there is a two dimensional subcone of Sasaki Ricci solitons in the Sasaki cone, and a unique Sasaki-Einstein metric in each of the two dimensional sub cones.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 53D42; Secondary: 53C25.