We investigate slice-quaternionic Hopf surfaces. In particular, we construct new structures of slice-quaternionic manifold on S 1 × S 7 , we study their group of automorphisms and their deformations.In the following cases, the quotient of H 2 \ {(0, 0)} by the subgroup generated by f yields a structure of slice-quaternionic Hopf surface: Case A.: Case A.1.: when λ = 0, α = β ∈ H with 0 < |α| < 1; Case A.2.: when λ = 0, α, β ∈ H with 0 < |α| ≤ |β| < 1 and α = β; Case A.3.: when λ ∈ H with λ = 0, p = 1, α = β ∈ H with 0 < |α| < 1; Case B.: when λ ∈ H with λ = 0, p ∈ N with p > 1, β ∈ R with 0 < |β| < 1, and α = β p .Remark. We wonder whether other slice-quaternionic structures on S 1 × S 7 may be constructed; see Remark 2.3.The automorphism groups of the above slice-quaternionic structures are investigated in Theorem 3.1. Notice that, in general, a slice-quaternionic structure does not induce a holomorphic structure; compare also Remark 2.2. (Note indeed that (where I, J are orthogonal complex structures on R 4 .) Therefore the slice-quaternionic Hopf surfaces in case (B) do not underlie a complex Calabi-Eckmann structure.We prove the following result. Theorem 3.1. Let X = H 2 \ {(0, 0)} f be a slice-quaternionic Hopf surface, where f is as in equation (0.1). The dimension of the group of automorphisms of X is as follows: Case A.1.: dim R Aut(X) ∈ {8, 16}; Case A.2.: dim R Aut(X) ∈ {4, 6, 8}; Case A.3.: dim R Aut(X) ∈ {4, 8}; Case B.: dim R Aut(X) = 5. Finally, we provide families of slice-quaternionic Hopf surfaces, connecting cases (A.1) and (A.3), respectively cases (A.2.1) and (B), see Section §4.Remark 0.1. As suggested by the anonymous Referee, we observe that analogous constructions can be performed to obtain slice-quaternionic Hopf manifolds of higher dimension, and that similar techniques might be possibly developed for the study of other slice-quaternionic manifolds, for Suppose now α ∈ R, and that λ ∈ R. By imposing the slice regularity of the left-hand side, we get that: a h,k = 0 and b h,k = 0 for (h, k) ∈ {(1, 0), (0, k) : k ≥ 1}. Therefore we are reduced to:We equal: firstly, the coefficients in z; secondly, the coefficients in µ. We are reduced to: α · a 1,0 = a 1,0 · α + b 1,0 · λ , λ · a 1,0 + α · a 0,1 = a 0,1 · α + b 0,1 · λ , α k · a 0,k = a 0,k · α + b 0,k · λ , for k > 1 , α · b 1,0 = b 1,0 · α , λ · b 1,0 + α · b 0,1 = b 0,1 · α ,