“…Testing his model concerning the four ways of belonging to God through the Church of England, Walker focused on two kinds of events: harvest festivals within the rural church (Walker 2009(Walker , 2010a(Walker , 2010b and cathedral carol services (Walker 2012a(Walker , 2012b(Walker , 2013(Walker , 2015. Other researchers, too, working independently over the past decade, drawing on either qualitative or quantitative methods, have identified the importance of carol services within both cathedrals and greater churches for forging contact with a wider range of people than those who would sign up for the kind of membership that entailed a weekly activity (Phillips 2010;Murphy 2016;Muskett 2017;Coleman et al 2019;Francis et al 2020aFrancis et al , 2020bFrancis et al , 2020c. Taken together, these diverse studies begin to provide a rich picture of who attends carol services in cathedrals and greater churches, and why they attend.…”