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ilTABLE OP CONTENTS Page SUMMARY 149 BIBLIOGRAPHY 153 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 160 APPENDIX l6l 4 The theoretical concepts used in this dissertation are derived from the disciplines of : (1) Sociology, (2) Social Psychology, and (3) Psychology,To accomplish the foregoing objectives, the following order of presentation will be followed; (1) A background of the study will be given to familiarize the reader with pre vious theoretical and empirical endeavors, (2) The conceptual framework used in this dissertation, whereby certain specific assumptions are given, and conceptualization of the major con cepts is discussed, (3) The derivation of specific empirical hypotheses to be tested, and the operational measures to be used to relate the theoretical with the empirical concepts, (4) The analysis of data secured from the study, with specific, appropriate statistical interpretation of the findings, (5) Discussion of the findings. Including additional data analysis and suggestions for additional research, and (6) A brief summary presenting the conceptualization of the study and the findings. The bibliography will suggest sources of data and information appropriate to the study, as well as provide a partial resource for additional research.
67.Wilkening, E. A. and Johnson, Doanald. A case study in decision making among a farm owner sample in Wisconsin,