Thyroid stimulation indices such as high thyroidal radioactive iodine uptake, increased estimated thyroid weight, presence of TSH-binding inhibitor immunoglobulin or thyroid-stimulating antibody, and elevated serum thyroglobulin level, were evaluated in 148 patients with Graves' disease who had been treated with antithyroid drugs for two years or more before the drugs were withdrawn. In all 19 patients in whom three or more indices were positive, early relapse, within 12 months, occurred after reducing the dosage of antithyroid drugs. Other 129 patients were followed after the drug was withdrawn and in 77 patients with one or two positive indices, early relapse occurred in 65-71% and late relapse, after 12 months or later, occurred in 2-11%. In 52 patients in whom none of the indices were positive, 86% remained in remission, but 10% developed an early relapse, and 4% a late relapse. We conclude that a combined analysis of thyroid stimulation indices is useful in predicting relapse in Graves' disease whereas it remains difficult to predict permanent remission.Many tests or parameters including the TRH test (1-3), T3 suppression test (4-13), thyroid size (14-16), serum levels of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (17)(18)(19) or thyroglobulin (Tg) (20-23) and T3/T4 ratio ( 11,24) have been used as predictive parameters of remission in Graves' disease. How¬ ever, none of these parameters is satisfactory by themselves.Recently Schleusener et al. (25) reported a pro¬ spective multicentre study on the prediction of re¬ lapse using various parameters such as TSH recep¬ tor antibodies activity, antithyroid autoantibodies, HLA DR typing, suppression test, TRH test, goitre size, age, and degree of ophthalmopathy. Although patients with positive TSH receptor antibody, ab¬ normal suppression or an abnormal TRH test, or a large goitre have a significantly higher relapse rate than those without, they concluded that the sensi¬ tivity and specificity of these paramters were too low to be useful for daily clinical decision in the treatment of an individual patient, even if the com¬ bination of different two parameters was analysed.Theoretically, activity in Graves' disease could be shown by the presence of thyroid-stimulating an¬ tibodies. Goitre size, thyroidal radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) and serum Tg levels are also good parameters to show how the thyroid gland is stimu¬ lated, as shown in patients with diffuse goitre stimu¬ lated by endogenous TSH (26-28).