More than twelve satellite scatterometers have operated since 1992 through the present, providing the main source of surface wind vector observations over global oceans. In this study, these scatterometer winds are used in combination with radiometers and synthetic aperture radars (SAR) for the better determination and characterization of high spatial and temporal resolution of regional surface wind parameters, including wind speed and direction, wind stress components, wind stress curl, and divergence. In this paper, a 27-year-long (1992–2018) 6-h satellite wind analysis with a spatial resolution of 0.125° in latitude and longitude is calculated using spatial structure functions derived from high-resolution SAR data. The main objective is to improve regional winds over three major upwelling regions (the Canary, Benguela, and California regions) through the use of accurate and homogenized wind observations and region-specific spatial and temporal wind variation structure functions derived from buoy and SAR data. The long time series of satellite wind analysis over the California upwelling, where a significant number of moorings is available, are used for assessing the accuracy of the analysis. The latter is close to scatterometer wind retrieval accuracy. This assessment shows that the root mean square difference between collocated 6-h satellite wind analysis and buoys is lower than 1.50 and 1.80 m s−1 for offshore and nearshore locations, respectively. The temporal correlation between buoy and satellite analysis winds exceeds 0.90. The analysis accuracy is lower for 1992–1999 when satellite winds were mostly retrieved from ERS-1 and/or ERS-2 scatterometers. To further assess the improvement brought by this new wind analysis, its data and data from three independent products (ERA5, CMEMS, and CCMP) are compared with purely scatterometer winds over the Canary and Benguela regions. Even though the four products are generally similar, the new satellite analysis shows significant improvements, particularly in the upwelling areas.