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13The most significant climate cooling of the Holocene is centred on 8.2 kyr BP (the '8.2 14 event'). Its cause is widely attributed to an abrupt slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional providing evidence of at least three distinct episodes of enhanced meltwater discharge from 27 the decaying LIS prior to the 8.2 event. Our observations can be used to test the fidelity of 28 both climate and ice-sheet models in simulating abrupt change during the early Holocene. and 2) and is registered as an abrupt cooling of ~3.3 ± 1.1 °C that lasted for 160 yrs (Kobashi 35 et al., 2007;Thomas et al., 2007). The widely cited (e.g. Alley et al., 1997; De Vernal et al., 36 1997;Barber et al., 1999;Törnqvist and Hijma, 2012) The Cree Estuary is situated on the northern shores of the Solway Firth (N 54°51', W 4°30').
135The River Cree is tidal from Newton Stewart and drains southwards through the Cree coastal within the broad timeframe of the 8.2 event, although not fully attributed to the event itself.
150These sediments provide the basis for this study.
158Fifty hand-cores were sunk along three transects. Sediments were classified with reference to
Laboratory methods
171We conducted microfossil (diatom) analyses in order to determine estimates of past sea level.
172Samples were prepared using standard techniques (Palmer and Abbott, 1986) where SWLI n is the standard water level index for a given sample n, h n is the elevation of a
280This novel approach to sampling is an attempt to reduce the uncertainties of the 281 reconstruction given the wide uncertainties in time and space of the RSL indicators relative to 282 the decimetre and decadal-to-centennial scale of DCP events that we seek to identify.
Inferring the timing of abrupt North Atlantic events
309We infer the onset of the two-step increases recorded in the surface δ 18 O record from the the critical time interval compared to the nine in MD03-2665 properties that is coeval with the onset of the δ 13 C excursion. To infer the onset of the second 342 anomaly, we have no choice but to use the δ 18 O record because the δ 13 C series records a 343 broad minimum spanning several centuries rather than two distinct events.
344From proximal to the former LIS margin we also include the timing of three DCPs
360Our lithostratigraphic survey confirms the complex sequence of minerogenic silts and 361 laterally extensive beds of organic silt that were originally mapped by Smith et al. (2003a).