“…Let {X, H, Y } be a sl 2 (R)triple in g, containing X, and let Z G (X, H, Y ) be the centralizer of the triple {X, H, Y } in G. Let K be a maximal compact subgroup in Z G (X, H, Y ), and M be a maximal compact subgroup in G containing K. Let m and z(k) be the Lie algebras of M and the center of K, respectively. Then [BCM,Theorem 4.2] says that the computation of the second cohomology of the nilpotent orbits boils down to understanding the action of the component group K/K • on the subalgebra z(k) ∩ [m, m]. Thus, when M is semisimple, this amounts to describing the action of K/K • on z(k), and hence knowing the isomorphism class of K is enough to compute the second cohomology group in this case.…”