Let V be a Z ≥0 graded vertex operator algebra(VOA), with V 0 = C1, V 1 = {0}. Then V 2 has a commutative(but not necessarily associative) algebra structure with operation a • b = a(1)b. This algebra V 2 is called Griess algebra of V . In [Lam96] and [Lam99], Lam constructed vertex algebras whose Griess algebras are simple Jordan algebras of type A, B, C. For type D simple Jordan algebras the construction was given by Ashihara in [Ash11]; In [AM09] Ashihara and Miyamoto constructed a family of vertex algebras V J ,r parametrized by r ∈ C, whose Griess algebras are isomorphic to type B Jordan algebras J . The VOA V J ,r is further studied by Niibori and Sagaki in [NS10].One of the main results in [NS10] claims that if J is not the Jordan algebra of 1 × 1 matrix, then V J ,r is simple if and only if r / ∈ Z. This suggests that r ∈ Z are special and may deserve further study. We show that the simple quotients V J ,r , r ∈ Z =0 can be constructed by a dual-pair type construction. We also apply the construction to compute the character Tr|V J ,r q L(0) , r = −2n, n ≥ 1. The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients appear naturally in the character formula.We give more details about this paper. All vector spaces and Lie groups are assumed to be over C. Let (h, (·, ·)) be a finite dimensional vector space with a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form (·, ·), dim(h) = d. Then h ⊗ h has an associative algebra structure:which induces a Jordan algebra structure on h ⊗ h:Let J be the Jordan subalgebra of h ⊗ h consists of symmetric tensors:Then J is the type B simple Jordan algebra of rank d [JJ49].1 Throughout this paper we assume that d ≥ 2 unless otherwise stated. Let V J ,r be the VOA constructed in [AM09] andV J ,r be the corresponding simple quotient. In [NS10] it is shown that V J ,r =V J ,r if and only if r / ∈ Z. Our results further show that we can constructV J ,r , r ∈ Z =0 explicitly. We divide our constructions into three cases:Case 1, r = m, m ≥ 1: Let (V m , (·, ·)) be a m-dimensional vector space with a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form. The tensor product space h ⊗ V m is a dm-dimensional vector space with the non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form:). Let H(h ⊗ V m ) be the Heisenberg VOA associated to the vector space h ⊗ W m [FLM89]. The group O(m) acts on the component V m , therefore it acts as automorphism on H(h ⊗ V m ). We constructV J ,m as: V J ,m def.