Galanin is a neuropeptide implicated in the regulation of feeding, reproduction, cognition, nociception, and seizure susceptibility. There are three known galanin receptor (GALR) subtypes (GALR1, GALR2, and GALR3), which bind to galanin with different affinities and have their own unique distributions, signaling mechanisms, and putative functions in the brain and peripheral nervous system. To gain further insight into the possible physiological significance of GALR2, we created mutant mice that were deficient in GALR2 and compared their phenotype to that of wild-type (WT) littermate or age-matched controls, with respect to basic motor and sensory function, feeding behavior, reproduction, mood, learning and memory, and seizure susceptibility. Phenotypic analysis revealed that animals bearing a deletion of GALR2 did not differ significantly from their WT controls in any of the measured variables. We conclude that either GALR2 plays no role in these physiological functions or through redundancy or compensation these mutant animals can adapt to the congenital absence of GALR2. It is also conceivable that GALR2 plays only a subtle role in some of these functions and that the impact of its loss could not be detected by the analytical procedures used here.Galanin is a neuropeptide comprising 29 to 30 amino acids and is widely distributed throughout the central and peripheral nervous system (35,36,45,46,49). Since its discovery over 20 years ago, galanin has been shown to have a role in numerous physiological processes, including the neuroendocrine regulation of gonadotropin and growth hormone secretion, nociception, cognition, and seizure susceptibility (reviewed in references 1, 3, and 19). The molecular actions of galanin are thought to be mediated by one or more galanin receptor (GALR) subtypes, GALR1, GALR2, and GALR3, all of which are G-protein-coupled receptors (reviewed in references 6, 7, and 25). Despite their partial sequence homology, these receptors differ with respect to the signaling pathways activated by galanin. Activation of GALR1 and GALR3 inhibits adenylate cyclase and the opening of potassium channels (reviewed in references 6, 29, and 47), whereas activation of GALR2 increases intracellular calcium through stimulation of phospholipase C (6, 41, 53, 55). Differences among their signaling mechanisms are likely to contribute to their unique physiological actions. In addition, these different GALRs also have distinctive patterns of distribution in the nervous system, sustaining the notion that these receptors have diverse physiological functions (6,9,11,16,17,21,29,37,39,47). However, beyond the diversity of their signaling mechanisms and distributions, we understand relatively little about the physiological role played by any of the different galanin receptor subtypes. This is partly attributable to the fact there are few (if any) receptorspecific ligands available (2, 31, 43, 57), and to date, only one of the receptors (GALR1) has been genetically targeted for ablation for the purpose of studying the...