In this paper, we mainly propose improvements of the logarithmic difference lemma for meromorphic fucntions in several complex variables, and then apply them to investigate meromorphic solutions of partial difference equations.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 32A22; Secondary 39A14, 30D35. 1 2 TINGBIN CAO AND LING XU Cao and Korhonen improved the logarithmic difference lemma to the case where the hyperorder is strictly less than one. Meanwhile, Wang [35] considered some kinds of partial q-difference equations.The main purpose of this paper is to improve the logarithmic difference lemma in Nevanlinna theory and use it to study complex partial difference equations. We first introduce some basic notations and definitions as follows.dt t the counting functions of zeros of f −a on complex vector space C m , by m(r, f ) the proximity function of f defined as m(r, f ) = ∂Bm(r) log + |f (z)| σ m (z) where σ m (z) = d c log z 2 ∧ (dd c z 2 ) m−1 and log + x = max{log x, 0}. Then the Nevanlinna characteristic function of f is defined as T (r, f ) = N (r, f ) + m(r, f ). Then the first main theorem is said that T (r, 1 f − a ) = T (r, f ) + O(1) for any value a ∈ C∪{∞}. A meromorphic function f can be also seen as a holomorphic curve from C m into P 1 (C) with a reduced representation f = (f 0 , f 1 ), where f 0 and f 1 are entire function on C m without common zeros. The Cartan characteristic function is defined by T f (r) = ∂Bm(r) log max{|f 0 (z)|, |f 1 (z)|}σ m (z) − ∂Bm(1) log max{|f 0 (z)|, |f 1 (z)|}σ m (z). The two characteristic functions have the relation T f (r) = T (r, f ) + O(1). The defect δ f (a) of zeros of f − a is defined as