In this paper we consider the compactness of β-symplectic critical surfaces in a Kähler surface. Let M be a compact Kähler surface and Σ i ⊂ M be a sequence of closed β i -symplectic critical surfaces with β i → β 0 ∈ (0, ∞). Suppose the quantity Σi 1 cos q αi dµ i (for some q > 4) and the genus of Σ i are bounded, then there exists a finite set of points S ⊂ M and a subsequence Σ i ′ that converges uniformly in the C l topology (for any l < ∞) on compact subsets of M \S to a β 0 -symplectic critical surface Σ ⊂ M , each connected component of Σ \ S can be extended smoothly across S. (2010): 53C42 (primary), 58J05 (secondary).
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