Quantum cryptography allows confidential information to be communicated between two parties, with secrecy guaranteed by the laws of nature alone. However, upholding guaranteed secrecy over networks poses a further challenge, as classical receive-andresend routing nodes can only be used conditional of trust by the communicating parties, which arguably diminishes the value of the underlying quantum cryptography. Quantum relays offer a potential solution by teleporting qubits from a sender to a receiver, without demanding additional trust from end users. Here we demonstrate the operation of a quantum relay over 1 km of optical fibre, which teleports a sequence of photonic quantum bits to a receiver by utilising entangled photons emitted by a semiconductor light-emitting diode. The average relay fidelity of the link is 0.90 ± 0.03, exceeding the classical bound of 0.75 for the set of states used, and sufficiently high to allow error correction. The fundamentally low multiphoton emission statistics and the integration potential of the source present an appealing platform for future quantum networks.
INTRODUCTIONQuantum key distribution 1,2 systems based on weak-coherent optical pulses have been reported that allow unique cryptographic keys to be shared between directly connected users on point-to-point 3-5 or point-to-multipoint links 6 . To establish fully quantum multipartite networks, that avoid trusting intermediate parties, 7 it is necessary to route quantum signals through a backbone of quantum nodes. 8 This can be achieved by leveraging quantum entanglement to set-up non-local correlations between measurements by end users. Examples of such schemes are distribution of entangled photon pairs to end users, where local measurements are performed, 9 or conversely, where photons are sent by two users to be projected into a Bell state by an intermediate quantum node. 10-12 Photonic quantum repeaters 13 and relays 8 use both of these effects to teleport entangled or single qubits, respectively, in a manner that can be chained to create a fully quantum network for which theoretically proven quantum security can be preserved.Here we report operation of a quantum relay over 1 km of optical fibre using entangled photons generated by a lightemitting diode to teleport photonic qubits encoded on weak coherent pulses emitted by a laser. Compared with previously reported quantum relays 14 and photonic teleportation over significant distances, 15,16 our system is directly electrically driven using a simple semiconductor device, offering a route to largescale network deployments. Teleporting weak coherent states offers potential enhancements to state-of-the art quantum key distribution systems, as it creates output photons with sub-Poissonian statistics immune to the photon number-splitting attack, 17,18 and protects against intrusions. 19