Protective immunity of tuberculosis (TB) infection is highly dependent on the balance of Th1 and Th2cytokines. TNF-α cytokines produced by Th1 cell retain a latent status, and IL-4 produced by Th2 aidsin the production of antibodies. The recent development of the vaccine candidates shows that rESAT-6-CFP-10 fusion antigen is specific to induce protective immune responses. The objective of the study wasto determine the immune response. This study used a quasi experimental design in the laboratory in vitrowith cultured PBMC of patients with new cases of pulmonary TB, latent TB and healthy individuals.Examination of TNF-α and IL-4 levels was done by ELISA. The highest TNF-α mean levels were 866,05in the latent TB group, compared to 814,56 in active TB and 414,58 in healthy individuals, but they werenot significantly different. The highest IL-4 mean levels were 1,39 in the active TB group, compared to0,88 in latent TB and 0,74 in healthy individuals, but they were not significantly different. High levels ofTNF-α and low levels of Il-4 in latent TB post-stimulation of rESAT-6-CFP-10 fusion antigen show thatthe candidate vaccine is capable of providing protective reponse against Mycobacterium tuberculosisinfection.Key words : TNF-α, IL-4, PBMC, ELISA, rESAT-6-CFP-10
AbstrakImunitas protektif terhadap infeksi tuberculosis sangat bergantung terhadap keseimbangan sitokinT-helper (Th)-1 dan Th2. Sitokin TNF-α yang disekresi oleh sel Th1 mampu mempertahankan status laten,dan IL-4 yang disekresi oleh Th2 membantu produksi antibodi. Pengembangan kandidat vaksin terbaruyaitu antigen fusi rESAT-6-CFP-10 bersifat spesifik terhadap respons imun protektif. Tujuan penelitianini untuk mengetahui respons imun seluler melalui kadar TNF-α dan IL-4 pasca stimulasi antigen fusirESAT-6-CFP-10. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen semu di laboratorium secara in vitropada kultur PBMC. Pemeriksaan kadar sitokin TNF-α dan IL-4 dengan metode ELISA. Rerata kadarTNF-α pasca stimulasi paling tinggi ditemukan pada kelompok TB laten 866,05, dibandingkan TBaktif 814,56 dan orang sehat 414,58, tetapi tidak berbeda bermakna. Reratakadar IL-4 pasca stimulasipaling tinggi ditemukan pada kelompok TB aktif, dibandingkan TB laten dan orang sehat, tetapi tidakberbeda bermakna. Kadar TNF-α yang tinggi dan kadar IL-4 yang rendah pada TB laten pasca stimulasiantigen fusi rESAT-6-CFP-10 menunjukkan bahwa kandidat vaksin mampu memberikan repons protektifterhadap infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis secara invitro.Kata kunci : TNF-α, IL-4, PBMC, ELISA, rESAT-6-CFP-10.