. Although theories of glacier movement ge n erally assume that glaciers flow over rigid rock beds, there are many places where glacie rs r est on beds of d eforma ble sedim e nt, a nd the great Pleistocene ice sheets which extend ed from time to time over much of Northern Europe a nd N orth America were largely underlain by such b eds. Observations sh ow that a large proportion of the forward movement ofa glacier lying on such a bed may be contributed by d eformation of the bed ra ther than the gl acier. A theory is d eveloped in which the glacier surface profile is rela ted to the hydraulic and strength prope rti es of potentially deformable bed materials. If these have a high hydraulic transmiss ibility, melt wa te r is readily discharged subglacially, the bed is stable, and the profile is a normal p a ra boli c one, governed by the rheologica l properties of ice. If bed transmissibility is low, wa ter pressures build up, the bed begins to d eform, and a lower equilibrium profile will develop, so tha t in a n extreme case the gl acier a pproxim a tes to a thin flat sheet, similar to an ice shelf. It is suggested tha t su ch behaviour may h ave occurred a t the m a rgins of large Pleistocene ice sheets over North America and Europ e, a nd evidence in support of this is dra wn from the reconstructed shapes of these ice margins, a nomalo usly sm all a mounts of isostatic rebound, a n o ma lously high retreat-rates, and the presence of glaciotectonic structures. R easons a re suggested to expl a in why this behaviour should have been important for Pleistocene glaciers which p en etra ted into currently te mperate latitudes but does not appear to be important in la rge m od ern glaciers. REsuME . Stabiliti de calottes de glace tempi ree reposant sur des lits de sidiments diformables. Bien que les theories sur le mouvem e nt d es glaciers supposent en general que les glaciers s'ecoule nt sur d es lits rocheux rigides, il arrive souvent que les glaciers reposent e n fait sur des sed iments deforma bles et la grande calotte glaciaire pleistocene qui s' es t pa rfois etendue sur la plus grande pa rti e de l'Europe du N o rd et de l'Amerique du Nord etait en gran de partie supportee p a r d e tels lits. Des o bservati ons montre nt qu'une fort e proportion des avancees de glacie rs r eposant sur un tellit peut et re le res ultat de la deform atio n du lit plus que d e glacier. On a developpe un e theorie selon laquell e le profil de la surface du gl acier es t mis en relation avec les proprietes hydrauliques et plastiques d es m a te ria ux d'un lit d e fo rma ble. S' ils o nt un e forte permeabilite, I'eau d e fonte est rapid ement tra nsmise so us le glacier, le lit est sta ble et le profil est normalement parabolique, conformement aux lois rheologiques d e la glace. Si la pe rm eabili te a I'eau est fa ible, la pression hydrosta tique croit, le lit commence a se deforme r et un profil d'equilibre plus bas en a ltitude se developpe d e sorte que, e n d es cas extre m es, le glacier ressembl e a un e feuille ...