In this study, we mea sure the seis mic ra di a tion en ergy, E s , and seis mic mo ment, M o , of twenty-two larger-sized after shocks with 5.1 £ M L £ 6.5 of the 1999 M s 7.6 Chi-Chi, Tai wan, earth quake from high-qual ity dig i tal strong-mo tion data re corded at sta tions with epicentral dis tances of less than 50 km through a method pro posed by An drews (1986 . The scaled en er gies of the 22 events are de pend ent upon earth quake mag ni tude, M s , when both E s and M o are eval u ated from lo cal seismograms; yet, in de pend ent of M s when M o is es ti mated from teleseismic data. Scaled en ergy slightly de pends on the depth, h (in km), through the fol low ing form:. In ad di tion, the cor ner fre quency, f c , is also mea sured. Its value ranges from 0.15 to 1.34. The scal ing law be tween M o and f c is:Key words: Scaled en ergy, Ra di a tion en ergy, Seis mic mo ment, After shocks, Chi-Chi earth quake Sci., 20, 671-685, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2008.10.13.01(T)
IN TRO DUC TIONThe seis mic-wave en ergy, E s , and seis mic mo ment, M o , are two com monly used pa ram e ters quan ti fy ing earth quakes and can be di rectly mea sured from seismograms. The scaled en ergy, E s /M o , which is de fined to be the ra tio of seis mic radiation en ergy to seis mic mo ment, de notes the ra di ated energy per unit seis mic mo ment of an earth quake. Sev eral fac tors could af fect the mea sures of E s and M o from lo cal, regional, and teleseismic data, thus, re sult ing in high divergence of E s /M o (Vassiliou and Kanamori 1982;Kikuchi and Fukao 1988;Choy and Boatwright 1995). Gen er ally, E s mea sured from lo cal seismograms is larger than that done from teleseismic data (Bolt 1986;Smith et al. 1991;Singh and Ordaz 1994;Hwang et al. 2001;Huang et al. 2002). The strong site ef fect at higher fre quen cies (greater than 0.01 Hz) can pro duce an over es ti ma tion of source parameters (Boatwright et al. 2002; Pérez-Campes et al. 2003) while fi nite fre quency band width lim i ta tion leads to an oppo site ef fect (Hwang et al. 2001;Ide and Beroza 2001;Wang 2004). Boore (1988), Di Bona and Rovelli (1988), and Singh and Ordaz (1994 stressed that E s can be un deres ti mated when high-fre quency sig nals are not in cluded. On the other hand, the es ti mate of M o from long-pe riod tele seismic data has lower un cer tainty due to the use of longer-pe riod sig nals.Kanamori ( . They also stressed that dur ing an earth quake rup ture en ergy loss due to co he sion can not be ig nored. Brodsky and Kanamori (2001)