The examination of protein glycosylation is of high importance, especially in the (bio)pharmaceutical sector. The analysis of protein glycosylation is conducted routinely in high performance by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence (CE/LIF) using 8-aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (APTS)-labeled glycans. In this work we present an optimized capillary electrophoresis/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CE/TOF-MS) methodology for these labeled glycans, which combines the high separation performance of CE with the high resolution, accuracy, and speed of TOF-MS for eased glycan identification. The system based on an acidic background electrolyte (BGE) provides a migration direction analogue to routine CE/LIF systems. Different BGE compositions, capillary dimensions, coatings, and instrumental parameters were tested to optimize the system with respect to separation efficiency and robustness. Subsequently, the CE/MS method optimized for acidic conditions was compared to an alkaline CE/MS method. Further, the mobilities of six APTS-labeled complex-type N-glycans were compared for both CE/MS methods and two standard CE/LIF approaches. For the acidic and alkaline BGE systems, the mobilities of sialylated glycans were shifted relative to nonsialylated glycans in comparison to common CE/LIF systems. However, in this study a straightforward unequivocal peak assignment was achieved for all unknown glycans in a medium complex glycan mixture from a fusion protein.