ANDREW P. MASTERS and TED S. SORENSEN. Can. J. Chem. 68, 492 (1990). Reactions of pentacarbonyl manganate anion with 4-halocrotonate esters or 2-halocarboxylate esters result in a complex set of inorganic and organic products, usually including the expected dienolate (or enolate) complexes. The reaction variables include the counterion, solvent, and halo group. The mechanism of the reaction has been investigated by conducting a thorough characterization of the reaction products under various conditions and also by carrying out model reactions. One can rationalize most of the non-organometallic products using either a radical or carbanion mechanism, but the latter seems to fit the available data better. Experimental procedures for optimizing the yield of the organometallic dienolate or enolate complexes have been worked out.Key words: pentacarbonyl manganate, metalate nucleophilicity, enolate complex, nucleophilic substitution, 5 5~n NMR spectroscopy.ANDREW P. MASTERS et TED S. SORENSEN. Can. J. Chem. 68, 492 (1990). Les reactions de l'anion pentacarbonyl manganate avec les esters 4-halocrotonates ou 2-halocarboxylates conduisent a la formation d'un ensemble de complexes de produits organiques et inorganiques qui contiennent gtnkralement les complexes dienolates (ou Cnolates) attendus. Les facteurs qui influencent la rCaction comprennent le contre-ion, le solvant et la nature de I'halogbne. Dans le but de determiner le mCcanisme de la rCaction, on a procCdC ii un examen minutieux des produits obtenus au cours de rtactions rCalisCes sous diverses conditions et on a rCalisC diverses reactions modkles. On peut rationaliser la formation de la plupart des produits qui ne sont pas des organomCtalliques par des mtcanismes soit radicalaires ou carbanioniques; toutefois, ces derniers semblent mieux accommoder les donnCes disponibles. On a dCterminC les conditions exptrimentales appropriCes pour obtenir les meilleurs rendements possibles de complexes diCnolates ou Cnolates.Mots clks : pentacarbonyl manganate, nucliophilicitC mttallate, complexe Cnolate, substitution nuclCophile, spectroscopie RMN du "~n .[Traduit par la revue]The metal-centered anion Mn(CO)5-has been extensively used to prepare R-Mn(CO)5 type compounds (R = alkyl, perfluoroalkyl, etc.). However, there are numerous instances where eq. [l] fails, where the yields are inexplicably poor, or where other products such as M~I~( C O )~~ are formed. In fact the present study evolved when we had difficulties in applying eq.[ l ] to the synthesis of a simple ester dienolate complex (R = dienolate).For a background to transition-metal enolate complexes, the recent papers of Heathcock and co-workers ( I ) provide an extensive bibliography. Dienolate complexes of transition metals have even more potential bonding modes, including the straightforward -q I-, -q3-, or -q5-complexes 1,2, or 3. The initial intent of our work was to study the synthetic utility of the -q3-complex, with the expectation that the geometry in these could be controlled via the -q5-complex, as indic...