Quantum theory dictates that upon weakening the two-body interaction in a three-body system, an infinite number of three-body bound states of a huge spatial extent emerge just before these three-body states become unbound. Three helium atoms have been predicted to form a molecular system that manifests this peculiarity under natural conditions without artificial tuning of the attraction between particles by an external field. Here we report experimental observation of this long predicted but experimentally elusive Efimov state of 4 He3 by means of Coulomb explosion imaging. We show spatial images of an Efimov state, confirming the predicted size and a typical structure where two atoms are close to each other while the third is far away.
One Sentence Summary:We report experimental discovery of a gigantic molecule that consists of three helium atoms and is bound solely by a universal feature of quantum mechanics called "Efimov effect".Ever since the early days of celestial mechanics, the three-body problem posed a major challenge to physicists. In the early 20th century the failure of finding a stable solution for the classical helium atom (2 electrons and a nucleus) heralded the demise of Niels Bohr's program of semiclassical atomic physics (1). Quantum mechanics then added yet another surprising twist to the three-body problem when in 1970 Vitaly Efimov predicted the appearance of an infinite series of stable three-body states of enormous spatial extents (2). These Efimov states are predicted to exist for short-range interactions like the van der Waals force between atoms or the strong force between nucleons. When the potential becomes so shallow that the last two-body bound state is at the verge of becoming unbound or is unbound, then three particles stick together to form Efimov states. Intriguingly, this three-body behavior does not depend on the details of the underlying two-body interactions. This makes the Efimov effect a universal phenomenon, with important applications in particle, nuclear (3, 4), atomic (4), condensed matter (5) and biological physics (6).Figure 1 summarizes two facets of Efimov's prediction, namely the energy spectrum and the structure of an Efimov state. Figure 1A shows how the two-and three-body binding energies (the binding energy of an atomic cluster is defined as the energy needed to separate all constituents of the cluster to infinite distances) change as the depth of the two-body potential is increased. As 2 indicated by the arrow above Figure 1A, the depth of the two-body potential increases along the horizontal axis. As the depth increases, the s-wave scattering length a changes from negative values to infinitely large values to positive values. Negative a values correspond to the domain where shallow two-body bound states do not exist. For positive a, a shallow two-body bound state, the dimer (see the blue solid line), exists. Bound three-body states (called trimers) exist in the green-shaded area. The extremely weakly-bound three-body states close to threshold (see...