In the paper, the physical observables for D → V (ω, ρ, K * ) + ν semileptonic decays are investigated thoroughly with the SSE extrapolated HFFs, which are calculated within the framework of QCD LCSR and up to twist-4. For the decay width parts, we find that 1/|V cq | 2 × Γ L,T,total (D → V + ν ) decrease with the increase of final meson mass, and the absolute change number of the transverse and longitudinal are almost the same.The transverse differential decay width dominates in the small q 2 region, while the longitudinal differential decay width dominates in the large q 2 region, and the dominant alternate point is near the midpoint of the whole physically feasible region. We then calculate the branching fractions by applying the D 0 (D + ) meson lifetime from the Particle Data Group, i.e. B(D 0 → ρ − e + ν e , ρ − µ + ν µ ) = 1.440 +0.277 −0.250 , 1.432 +0.274 −0.248 × 10 −3 and B(D + → ρ 0 e + ν e , ρ 0 µ + ν µ ) = 1.827 +0.351 −0.317 , 1.816 +0.348 −0.314 × 10 −3 for ρ meson channel; B(D + → ω 0 e + ν e , ω 0 µ + ν µ ) = 1.740 +0.482 −0.399 , 1.728 +0.479 −0.397 × 10 −3 for ω meson channel; B(D 0 → K * − e + ν e , K * − µ + ν µ ) = 2.082 +0.334 −0.314 , 2.066 +0.330 −0.310 × 10 −2 and B(D + → K * 0 e + ν e , K * 0 µ + ν µ ) = 5.282 +0.847 −0.796 , 5.242 +0.838 −0.787 × 10 −2 for K * meson channel. All those branching fraction results are lower compared to other theories, but fits well with BES-III predictions within errors. For the polarization parts, we study in detail the q 2 dependence of longitudinal and transverse polarizations fractions of the charged lepton and the vector meson in the final state, i.e. P L,T and F L,T , the forward-backward asymmetry A FB and the lepton-side convexity parameters C F . In the small q 2 region, all those polarization observations have a singularity due to the δ factor, expect for F L,T . With the increase of q 2 , all polarization values tend to be more stable, thus the polarization dependence on q 2 is smaller.Our predictions for their corresponding average values have agreement with the theoretical group for Covariant Confining Quark Model results within the errors.