Abstract—Indonesian society, which generally adheres to the notion of heteronormativity, views homosexuals as contrary to social norms.This beliefpromptedprejudice toward homosexuals. Various factors that encourage prejudice include religious fundamentalism and social identity.This study aimed to examine the role of religious fundamentalism and social identity towardhomosexuals’ prejudiceamong college students in Surabaya. The design of this study used a cross-sectional survey, with participant (N=384) students aged 18-25 years and heterosexual oriented, obtained through accidental sampling technique. Data were collected using RFS-12, A Three-factor Model of Social Identity Scale, and the Attitudes Toward Lesbian and Gay Men(ATLG) Scale. Results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that religious fundamentalism and social identity played a significant role in explaining prejudice against homosexuals(R=0.576; F=94,433; p<0.001). Meanwhile, the partial analysis revealed that religious fundamentalism could significantly explain the prejudice toward homosexuals (t=13.306; p<.001), while social identity could not(t=0.087; p=0.931). Additional analysis showed that prejudice toward homosexuals differed based on gender, type of university, presence or absence of contact, the quantity of contact, and quality of contact. The implications of this study were discussed in the context of Indonesia's contemporary society.
Keywords: homosexual, prejudice, religious fundamentalism, social identity
Abstrak—Masyarakat Indonesia, yang umumnya menganut paham heteronormativitas, memandang homoseksual bertentangan dengan norma sosial. Paham ini mendorong terjadinya prasangka terhadap homoseksual. Terdapat berbagai faktor yang membentuk prasangka diantaranya, fundamentalisme agama dan identitas sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran fundamentalisme agama dan identitas sosial terhadap prasangka homoseksual pada mahasiswa yang berkuliah di Surabaya. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan cross sectional survey, dengan partisipan (N=384) mahasiswa berusia 18-25 tahun, dan berorientasi heteroseksual, yang didapat melalui teknik accidental sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan RFS-12, A Three-factor Model of Social Identity Scale, dan Attitudes Toward Lesbian and Gay Men(ATLG) Scale. Hasil analisis regresi linear bergandamenunjukkan bahwa fundamentalisme agama dan identitas sosial berperan signifikan dalam menjelaskan prasangka terhadap homoseksual (R= 0.576; F= 94.433; p < 0.001). Selanjutnya, analisis korelasi parsial menunjukkan bahwa fundamentalisme agama berhubungan secara signifikan dengan prasangka terhadap homoseksual(t=13.306; p<.001), namun tidak dengan identitas sosial(t=0.087; p=0.931). Analisis tambahan menyatakan bahwa prasangka terhadap homoseksual berbeda berdasarkan jenis kelamin, jenis universitas, ada tidaknya kontak, kuantitas kontak, serta kualitas kontak. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini didiskusikan lebih lanjut dalam konteks masyarakat Indonesia saat ini.
Kata kunci: fundamentalisme agama, homoseksual, identitas sosial, prasangka