Volcanic regions typically host multiple lakes developed in explosion craters, volcano-tectonic collapse structures, and valley systems blocked as a result of eruptive activity, their boundaries and dimensions shifting in response to renewed activity and modification by background processes of erosion, sedimentation and tectonism. Such water bodies are a potent source of a wide range of complex and inter-related hydrologic hazards owing to their proximity to active volcanic vents, the consequent potential for violent mixing of magma with water, and the frequent fragility of their impoundments. These hazards arise as a result of water displacements within or from the lake basin and can be broadly sub-divided into 3 main types: (I) phenomena sourced within the lake basin as a direct or indirect consequence of subaqueous or subaerial volcanic activity; (II) floods from volcanic lakes triggered by volcanic activity, including induced breaching; and (III) floods from volcanic lakes with a non-volcanic cause. Type I hazards include subaqueous explosive volcanism and associated Surtseyan jets, base surges and tsunamis, which can impact lake shorelines and displace water over basin rims and through outlets. This results in Type II lahar and flooding hazards. Both types have been historically responsible for significant losses of life at many volcanoes worldwide. Other rapid phenomena such as pyroclastic flows, debris avalanches, and large lahars from intra-or extra-lake volcanoes are potentially tsunamigenic (Type I), and/or displacing, and can hence also lead to secondary (Type II) hazards, as can seismicity-producing volcano-tectonic movements. Slower processes including volcano-tectonic movements, subaqueous lava dome extrusion, cryptodome intrusion, and magmatic inflation can potentially produce Type II flooding through volumetric water displacement over the outlet. Erosion of the outlet can be catastrophic, magnifying the size of V. Manville