Introduction: Hepatitis C infection is a major global health problem, which could easily lead to chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and even hepatocellular carcinoma. The rapid global spread of HCV is believed to have occurred primarily because of efficient transmission through blood transfusion and parenteral exposures with contaminated equipment\ Materials and Methods: This study was carried out at the Blood bank, Department of Pathology M.Y. Hospital Indore. A retrospective review of 77108 donors over a period of 2 years (2015)(2016)(2017) was carried out. All individuals who presented themselves for blood donation during this period were included in the study. Screening of the donors was done with rapid test kit as well as ELISA The data were collated and analysed with SPSS version 20. Prevalence of HCV antibodies was expressed in percentages. Associations of HCV seropositivity with demography, Results: A total of 77108 donors presented themselves for blood donation during the study period, Out of these 8.92%(6883) were replacement donors while 91.07% (70225) were voluntary donors. Among voluntary donors 0.01%(11) and among replacement donors 0.03%(29) were reactive to HCV antibody . Donor with PCV value between 34-42% had highest HCV infection.
Conclusion:In conclusion, the frequency of active infection of HCV amongst the blood The seroprevalence of Hepatitis C virus infection in the study centre is 0.04 %. This is considerably low percentage while keeping in view the previous publicized rates. Application of strict measures during blood donor selection and use of proper screening essay such as ELISA.