facing employees in particular, but it is the collective effort of the organisation that is important, for as Chenet et al . 4 suggest service delivery is a combination of culture, leadership, commitment, systems, tools and technology. It also indicates the value of entrainment 5 -where the organisation is focused on enhancing customer experience not via abstracted thinking, but through a union of interest based on a dynamic relationship. 6 This thinking extends the role of marketing by suggesting that its role should be not only to sense movement in the environment but also to shape the organisational response by connecting with other business functions and departments. One of the strands
INTRODUCTIONMuch traditional marketing literature has a product and marketing communications-led approach to the idea of creating customer experience. Yet in most Western economies, it is services that predominate and consequently it is the other elements of customer -organisation interaction that are dominant in the formation of brand image. 1 It is employees and their ability to build relationships with customers that determine value. 2 The outside-in, insideout approach to brand building suggests the importance of aligning employees with the brand and in uncovering the meaning of the brand through participation. 3 This shows the value of customer-