In recent years, the field of English textbook analysis has garnered increasing attention from scholars worldwide, emerging as a burgeoning research hotspot. However, this field currently lacks a comprehensive and systematic analysis. This study adopts a bibliometric approach, using raw data from Scopus to review research on English textbooks from 1979 to 2022. Overall, research in this field has shown a steady upward trend, with a significant acceleration in growth over the past five years. The results indicate that scholars from Asia, especially East Asia, have made the most significant contributions to this field. Most studies typically utilize methods such as corpus approach and critical discourse analysis to explore themes such as ideology, gender, culture, and language teaching in English textbooks, thereby making this research field a pivotal lens for comprehending global language education and societal dynamics, fostering mutual understanding and communication across diverse regions worldwide. Through these studies, the field of English textbook analysis not only advances language education but also provides significant insights and support for educational reforms and societal development on a global magnitude.