A spectroscopic study is performed for high spin states of SSFe, 55Co and 57Ni. To populate the investigated residues with a relevant cross section, the fusion evaporation reactions of 3~ 2p n) 55Fe ' 3osi(28Si ' 2 rip) 5SCo and 4He(S4Fe, n) 57Ni were chosen.To identify the new 7 transitions and to build the energy level schemes, 7-7 coincidence techniques together with excitation functions were employed. Angular distributions and 7-7 angular correlations allowed us to assign the spin values of the nuclear states. The previous level scheme of 5SFe is extended into the region between 6.5-11 MeV of excitation energy, up to spin 27/2, while the yrast decay paths of 57Ni and SSCo are reported here for the first time. Experimental data are fairly well reproduced by Glaudemans' shell model calculations.