“…Then, the limits γ i (y+, y) can be identified with the functions β i (y), i = 1, 2, from Subsection 3.2 above, and the function in (3.36) should satisfy the property V (x, s, y; a * (s, y)) → V (x, y+, y; a * (y+, y)) as s ↓ y , for each s − y ≤ a * (s, y) < x ≤ s. Thus, we conclude that the equalities V (x, y+, y; a * (y+, y)) = U(x, y; a * (y+, y)) and a * (y+, y) = g * (y) (3.39) hold for 0 < a * (y+, y) < x ≤ y and U(x, s; g * (s)) given by (3.18) with g * (s) obtained in part (ii) of Subsection 3.2. To see this, we observe that the candidate value function evaluated at s ↓ y in (3.39) satisfies the normal reflection condition only at the diagonal d 3 3 = {(x, s, y) ∈ R 3 | 0 < x = s = y} of the plane d 3 1 , and thus, the function a * (y+, y) = g * (y) is the maximal solution of the equation in (3.20) with the boundary condition a * (∞, ∞) = g * (∞) of (3.21) as y = s → ∞ and such that this solution stays strictly below the curve x = L ∧ (rL/δ(y)).…”