Several tidal power schemes have been proposed for the Severn estuary between south-west England and Wales, UK. In this paper the so-called Cardiff-Weston barrage is evaluated using various sustainability appraisal techniques to determine its net energy output, carbon dioxide footprint and financial investment criteria, alongside various critical technical and environmental issues. The barrage would be located seaward of the Severn Road crossings, involve an estimated cost of £21 billion to construct and could potentially generate some 16·8 TWh/year -about 4·4% of the UK electricity demand. An indicative energy technology assessment is undertaken to evaluate this tidal power scheme over its foreseen lifespan of 120 years in terms of its 'cradle-to-site', operation and maintenance requirements. The present analysis suggests that the proposed Cardiff-Weston barrage would yield relatively attractive 'figures of merit' in terms of its net energy and carbon dioxide emissions, although its financial performance is poorer than that of alternative power generators. Comparisons are also made with the much smaller Shoots barrage scheme proposed upstream of the Severn Road crossings, which is favoured by environmental groups due to its more benign ecological and environmental impacts.
NotationE con,L total process energy invested in construction of the tidal barrage E dec,L energy required to decommission the tidal barrage at the end of its life (L) E mat,L total primary energy invested in materials used to construct the tidal barrage E n,L net electrical energy produced over the lifetime (L) of the tidal barrage E op,L energy required to operate the hydro-turbines over the lifetime (L) of the tidal barrage L lifetime of the tidal barrage (in years) R t net receipts (income less costs) from sale of electricity produced by a power generator t time in years of the total foreseen life (L) of a power generator