Within the current conditions and realities – namely, aggravation of inter-country conflicts, continuous chains of financial and economic crises, unpredictable epidemics and pandemic, increasing threats and risks to the existence of humanity – issues of integration and solidarity are becoming particularly relevant. At the same time, the existing theories of integration and approaches to its interpretation, identification of stages and evaluation of results are very specific due to the concentration mainly on economic and political-economic processes, as well as often because of their “sharpening” for the European Union. The purpose of this paper is to develop an alternative (to the “classical” one) approach to the determination and analysis of integration based on the theory of noonomy worked out by S. D. Bodrunov. The article provides evidence of an overestimating the results of European integration, based mainly on the creation in theory and practice of its idealized image of this continuously progressive and exemplary model that stands out from the rest of the world. The basic provisions and conclusions of noonomy, the “parallels” of this theory and the results of its “conjugation” with the theory of changing technological modes and the concept of changing world economic modes, worked out by S. Y. Glazyev, are presented. We enter the concept of “noointegration”, highlight its main stages and analyze the differences and correlation of its processes with classical integration. It is explained why noo-integration, without denying economic integration at the pre-noonomic stage of public life, turns out to be of a higher priority and more useful for the harmonious joint development of the Eurasian space and its participating countries than the classical integration model.