We investigated the inhibitory activity of synthetic isocyanurate-based as well as linear mono-and trihydroxamate siderophore-drug conjugates against Candida spp. The conjugated drug was 13C-desketoneoenactin (DE). The MICs of siderophore-drug conjugates were determined in the absence and presence of 2,2-dipyridyl to restrict iron availability. The ability of various siderophore types to promote growth in an iron-restricted medium was also assayed. Addition of a siderophore portion to the drug strongly impaired the inhibitory activity of DE. However, the activity of the drug conjugates was increased by up to 16-fold in iron-depleted medium for species having their growth strongly promoted by most hydroxamate-type siderophores (C. albicans, C. stellatoidea, and C. pseudotropicalis). The uptake of 55 Fe from ferrichrome and from two siderophoredrug conjugates was improved when C. albicans cells were grown in a low-iron medium. In the same assay, unlabeled ferrichrome was able to compete with the uptake of 55 Fe from both conjugates, indicating a common mechanism of uptake. A C. albicans strain lacking the siderophore transporter CaSit1/CaArn1 was not able to use ferrichrome or the synthetic ornithine-based trihydroxamate siderophore for growth promotion and was much less susceptible to the siderophore-drug conjugates than its isogenic parent strain. In summary, the ability of some Candida spp. to use ferrichrome-like siderophores for growth promotion explains the selective activity of hydroxamate-drug conjugates, and this activity seems to be related to the presence, in C. albicans, of the siderophore transporter CaSit1/CaArn1. New conjugate designs are necessary to fully restore or improve the initial DE activity.