“…Chondrite‐normalized concentrations of lanthanides (logarithmic scale) in: (a) the soil fine sand fraction (50–250 μm) (all horizons; this study), (b) the soil clay fraction (< 2 μm) (mean profile, this study), (c) free forms from the soil clay fraction (mean profile, this study) extracted with citrate‐dithionite‐bicarbonate (FF clay‐CDB ), (d) free forms from the soil clay fraction (mean profile, this study) extracted with oxalate (FF clay‐Ox ), (e) acid igneous and magmatic‐like rocks from the Guadalquivir catchment (Larrea et al ., , , ; Carracedo et al ., ; Pascual et al ., ), (f) alkaline igneous rocks from the Guadalquivir catchment (Larrea et al ., ; Pin et al ., ), (g) sedimentary rocks from the Guadalquivir catchment (Martínez‐Ruiz, ; Jiménez‐Espinosa et al ., ), (h) metasedimentary rocks from the Guadalquivir catchment (Torres‐Ruiz et al ., ) and (i) Sahara–Sahel materials (Moreno et al ., ) and Spanish topsoil (Locutura et al ., ). The shaded area (b to i) and the area with horizontal lines (c to i) enclose the upper and lower margins of the mean values per profile of the fine sand and clays (a and b).…”