Early experiments of Flexner and Lewis (1), Levaditi and Landsteiner (2), and RSmer and Joseph (3) showed that monkeys once recovered from poliomyelitis are immune to subsequent intracerebral inoculations of poliomyelitis virus. This immunity was apparent no matter how slight had been the symptoms of the initial infection. The refractory state was of long duration and was absolute within the limit of infecting doses employed. These same workers noted that sera of convalescent monkeys, when mixed with poliomyelitis virus in vitro, rendered the material, otherwise infective, inactive when introduced intracerebrally in test animals.These observations became the basis for numerous efforts to immunize animals against experimental poliomyelitis. Flexner and Lewis (4) injected monkeys subcutaneously with living active virus, beginning with a dose of 0.05 cc. This amount was given daily for four days and the series Was repeated twice with a four day rest period between each individual set of injections. After the last interval the animals received on successive days 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 cc. of virus, and after one month 5.0 cc. A week's rest period then followed, after which time the animals were tested intracerebrally with 2.0 cc. of fresh Berkefeld filtrate of poliomyelitis virus. Control monkeys which received 0.1 to 0.01 cc. of a similar filtrate intracerebrally developed typical poliomyelitis, whereas the vaccinated animals remained free from symptoms.Levaditi and Landsteiner (5) attempted to immunize monkeys by a single subcutaneous inoculation of 0.5 cc. of virus suspension previously heated to 50°C. for 30 minutes. They failed to produce any immunity by this treatment. In another experiment glycerinated virus was heated to 50°C. for 2 hours; this heated virus was still active in producing disease when inoculated intracerebrally, but did not infect when given daily in subcutaneous doses of 2 cc. each over a period of one month. Nine days after the last subcutaneous injection two treated monkeys were tested intracerebrally. One of these showed slight prodromal symptoms of 959 on