In a couple of similar conventions, when there was a large number of ratifications in a short period this was usually associated with block ratification by all EU member states. As discussed in the chapter the EU has not joined the Singapore Convention and it is difficult to tell whether and if this would occur. The fact that the numbers of signatories and parties are relatively high despite the EU's lack of participation at this stage, further highlights the relative success of the Singapore Convention so far. b. Implications of Covid-19 C.123 G. CONCLUSION C.126 2 Cassandra M. Lee-Casner, 'Nudging Toward Mediation: An Analysis of Factors to Nudge Mediation as the Preferred Method of Alternative in International Commercial Disputes' (2021) 4 Wayne J. Bus. L. 74, 94. 3 United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 10 June 1958, 330 UNTS 3 (the NY Convention). As of today, almost 170 states are parties to the Convention. The first state to become a party to the Convention was Israel, and the latest state to ratify the Convention (at the time of the writing of the chapter) was Iraq, on