CD8+ T-cell immune response to liver antigens is often functionally diminished or absent. This may occur via deletion of these autoaggressive T cells, through the acquisition of an anergic phenotype, or via active suppression mediated by other cell populations. We generated a double transgenic model in which mice express CD8+ T cells specific for the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus nucleoprotein (LCMV-NP) and LCMV-NP as a hepatic neo-autoantigen, to study the immunological response of potentially liver antigen autoagressive CD8+ T cells. Autoreactive transgenic CD8+ T cells were analyzed for functionality and cytotoxic effector status. Despite severe peripheral deletion of liver-specific CD8+ T cells, a fraction of autoreactive NP-specific CD8+ T cells accumulate in liver, resulting in hepatocyte injury and production of autoantibodies in both male and female mice. NP-specific intrahepatic T cells showed capacity to proliferate, produce cytokines and up-regulate activation markers. These data provide in vivo evidence that autoreactive CD8+ T cells are activated in the liver and developed an inflammatory process, but require additional factors to cause severe autoimmune destruction of hepatocytes. Our new model will provide a valuable tool for further exploration of the immunological response involved in inflammatory liver diseases, including autoimmune hepatitis.