S. IKUTA and P. KEBARLE. Can. J. Chem. 61. 97 (1983). The proton affinities of phenyl phosphine and cyclohexylphosphinc were measured by determining the equilibrium constants of proton transfer equilibria with a pulsed electron beam high ion source pressure mass spectrometer. These proton affinities combined with values for methyl and phcnyl phosphines and the analogous amines provide an interesting comparison of the methyl and phenyl substituent effects on the basicities of phosphine and ammonia. Methyl substitution increases the basicity of both ammonia and phosphine; however, the increase is significantly larger for the phosphine. Phenyl substitution increases the basicity of ammonia and phosphine and the increase for phosphinc is very much larger. Calculations at the STO-3G, 4-3 IG, STO-3G*, and 4-31G* (* with d orbitals) for PH,, MePH,, PhPHZ, the protonated species, and the nitrogen analogues predict proton transfer reaction energies in good agreement with the experimental results. A shortening of the C-P bond is predicted for protonation of MePH, and particularly PhPH,, while a lengthening of the C-N bond is predicted for the corresponding nitrogen compounds. The much stronger increase in proton affinity of the phosphines caused by phenyl substitution is due to the stabilization of the phenyl phosphonium ion by a donation from the phenyl group to the empty orbitals of phosphorus in the PH: group; in contrast, in the amines, it is the free base anilinc which is stabilized by conjugation of the nitrogen lone pair with the aromatic ring. This stabilization of the free base is less important in phcnyl phosphine. The participating empty orbitals of phosphorus in the conjugation of phenyl with PH: in phenyl phosphonium arc mostly a * with some a d participation. The stabilization of the aniline free base contributes considerably more than the conjugation in the phosphonium ion, to the phenyl substituent difference for the amines and phosphines. Thc factors involved in the bigger substituent effect of methyl in the phosphines are somewhat similar to those for phenyl: stabilizftion of the methyl amine by conjugation of the nitrogen lone pair with empty orbitals of CH, and stabilization of the CH,PH, by hyperconjugation. An alternate description can be given in terms of hybridization chariges.S. IKUTA et P. KEBARLE. Can. J. Chem. 61, 97 (1983) On a mesure les affinitCs pour le proton de la phenylphosphine et de la cyclophosphine en determinant les constantes des Cquilibres de transfert du proton ii l'aide d'un spectromttre de masse a faisccau d'Clectrons pulses avec une source d'ions a haute pression. Ces affinitks pour le proton cornbintes aux valeurs dcs mCthyl-ct phdnyl-phosphines et des amines analogues fournissent une comparaison intkressante des effets des substituants mCthyle et phCnylc sur les basicitds de la phosphine et dc I'ammoniac. La substitution du rnCthyle augmente la basicite de la phosphine et de I'arnmoniac: I'augmentation est plus forte pour la phosphine. La substitution du phCnylc augmentc l...