“…Marienfield, 1991aMarienfield, ,b, 1992aStein et al, 1993;Dowdeswell et al, 1992Dowdeswell et al, , 1993Dowdeswell et al, , 1994aÓ Cofaigh et al, 2001). In summary, cores retrieved from Scoresby Sund comprise: i) ~90% macroscopically massive diamicton (Dm), formed by the release of IRD and reworking by iceberg scouring; ii) ~4% lenses or beds of gravel or coarse sand with sharp contacts (within diamicton), indicating iceberg dumping of debris; iii) ~4% laminated sediments (Fl) of alternating fine sand to coarse silt and fine silt to clay with some large clasts (gravels to cobbles); and iv) ~3% crudely layered, less wellsorted sediments (Fsd) with a significant proportion of larger clasts (Dowdeswell et al, 1994a,b).…”