Efficacy of postsynaptic inhibition through GABA A receptors in the mammalian brain depends on the maintenance of a Cl Ϫ gradient for hyperpolarizing Cl Ϫ currents. We have taken advantage of the reduced complexity under which Cl Ϫ regulation can be investigated in cultured neurons as opposed to neurons in other in vitro preparations of the mammalian brain. GABA is the main inhibitory transmitter in the mammalian brain. The dominant effect of GABA A receptor activation is a hyperpolarization caused by C l Ϫ flux into the cell (for review, see Sivilotti and Nistri, 1991;Kaila, 1994;Thompson, 1994). However, the direction of the C l Ϫ flux depends on the C l Ϫ gradient across the membrane. Indeed, GABA A receptor-mediated hyperpolarizing and /or depolarizing postsynaptic potentials have been observed (for review, see Kaila, 1994;Thompson, 1994). Some findings suggest variations in intracellular [C l Ϫ ] between different neurons and even a distinct C l Ϫ distribution in different compartments of a single neuron (Misgeld et al., 1986). Depolarizing GABA A responses, however, can be caused by bicarbonate efflux in combination with C l Ϫ influx or combined Cl Ϫ and HCO 3 Ϫ efflux (Grover et al., 1993;Kaila, 1994;Thompson, 1994;Staley et al., 1995;Perkins and Wong, 1996;Kaila et al., 1997). To be able to predict the direction of C l Ϫ currents flowing during GABA A receptor-mediated inhibition it is essential to understand the regulation of C l Ϫ homeostasis that provides the transmembrane gradient.A recently cloned K ϩ -Cl Ϫ cotransporter gene (KCC2) represents a perfect candidate for the regulation of neuronal Cl Ϫ homeostasis (Payne et al., 1996). In contrast to the ubiquitous presence of the K ϩ -Cl Ϫ cotransporter KCC1, expression of the K ϩ -Cl Ϫ cotransporter KCC2 is detected in C NS only and seems to be neuron specific. KCC2 is also distinct from KCC1 in that KCC2 is not involved in cell volume regulation and not activated by osmotic changes. Furthermore, KCC2 has a high affinity for extracellular K ϩ ions. The properties of KCC2 allow the regulation of [Cl Ϫ ] i to maintain Cl Ϫ gradients for hyperpolarizing GABAergic inhibition. Thermodynamic considerations predict that the electroneutral K ϩ -Cl Ϫ cotransporter KCC2 operates near equilibrium under physiological ionic conditions. Depending on [Cl Ϫ ] i and [K ϩ ] o (Payne, 1997), the transport will extrude or accumulate Cl Ϫ .The functional role of a particular Cl Ϫ transport system in neuronal Cl Ϫ regulation is difficult to establish in studies using integral preparations such as brain slices. One complicating factor is the presence of HCO 3 Ϫ anions. The HCO 3 Ϫ permeability of the GABA A channel (Bormann, 1988;Fatima-Shad and Barry, 1993) impedes conclusions toward actual [Cl Ϫ ] i if they are calculated from reversal potentials of GABA A receptor-mediated anion currents. Furthermore, a HCO 3 Ϫ /Cl Ϫ exchanger (RaleySusman et al., 1993) may well interfere (Chesler, 1990), and pH changes that result from manipulations of [HCO 3 Ϫ ] o strongly affect neur...