Let B be an n × n nilpotent matrix with entries in an infinite field k. Assume that B is in Jordan canonical form with the associated Jordan block partition P . In this paper, we study a poset D P associated to the nilpotent commutator of B and a certain partition of n, denoted by λ U (P ), defined in terms of the lengths of unions of special chains in D P . Polona Oblak associated to a given partition P another partition Ob(P ) resulting from a recursive process. She conjectured that Ob(P ) is the same as the Jordan partition Q(P ) of a generic element of the nilpotent commutator of B. Roberta Basili, Anthony Iarrobino and the author later generalized the process introduced by Oblak. In this paper we show that all such processes result in the partition λ U (P ).MSC 2010: 05E40, 06A11, 14L30, 15A21 introduced by P.Oblak and generalized in [3]. In Theorem 2.5 we prove that any such process gives rise to the partition λ U (P ). P. Oblak also conjectured that the partition resulting from the process she suggested is the same as Q(P ) and in [11] she proves her conjecture for a partition P such that Q(P ) has at most 2 parts and k = R. In [8], we show for an infinite field k that λ U (P ) is always dominated by Q(P ), which proves "half" of Oblak's conjecture. In [9], we will give an explicit formula for the smallest part of λ U (P ) and prove that it is the same as the smallest part of λ(P ), and thus also Q(P ), by results of [8]. Thus we give an explicit formula for Q(P ) when it has at most 3 parts.Acknowledgement. The author is grateful to A. Iarrobino for invaluable discussions on the topic, as well as for his comments and suggestions on the paper. The author is also thankful to Bart Van Steirteghem and to Tomaž Košir for their thorough comments on a draft of this paper.In [9] we further study the poset D P and the partition λ U (P ) and give an explicit formula for its smallest part µ(P ). By enumerating the disjoint maximum antichains in D P and use of results from [11] and [8], we prove that the smallest part of Q(P ) is µ(P ) as well. This, combined with Oblak's formula for the index of Q(P ) ([11, Theorem 6] for char k = 0, and [8, Corollary 3.10] for any infinite field k), gives an explicit formula for Q(P ), when it has at most 3 parts (i.e. when P can be written as a union of 3 almost rectangular sub partitions).