The Southeast Michigan Alliance for Further more, non-White racial/ethnic groups will Reinvestment in Technological Education constitute an increasing percentage of the total US (SMARTE) is a consortium of community colleges, population. Demographic realities dictate an urgent school systems, Wayne State University, and need for intervention to assist and promote the businesses in southeast Michigan formed in representation of all people and especially under September 1993. The alliance exists to promote represented ethnic and racial groups and women in communication and cooperation among its partners to technical workforce. address needs pertaining to the education of technological workforce. One of the goals of this America faces a shortfall of scientists and virtual center is to collaboratively focus on promoting engineers in a near future. It has been mentioned in the technical career as viable and exciting endeavor several forums that the average age of technical among general population and in particular the workforce in Michigan is in its fifties. This middle school students and their parents.represents a challenge for businesses and educationalDuring the period 1995-97, the consortium workers for continued industrial productivity. carried out several enrichment activities. During the summer, 2-week sessions were held for studentsThe Southeast Michigan Alliance for promoted to 8 grade. During the Fall and Winter Reinvestment in Technological Education th semesters, two consecutive weekend sessions were (SMARTE) is a consortium of community colleges, held for students enrolled in the 8 grade. Students school systems, WSU, and businesses in southeast th were selected based on recommendations from the Michigan formed in September 1993. The alliance science teacher, counselor, or principal and the exists to promote communication and cooperation quality of the student essay. Parents and students among its partners to address needs pertaining to attended information sessions and award ceremonies. education of the technological workforce. The At the 1997 ASEE Annual Conference, we reported mission is to work collaboratively in a virtual center on the structure of the enrichment program, course that focuses on restructuring of technical curricula contents, teaching pedagogy, and student evaluation and teaching practices in mathematics and science of the curriculum. As a part of the enrichment with integration of authentic activities in an program, we requested the 8 grade boys and girls to application mode [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].th share their pe eptions of their abilities in science and rc technology, possible career choices in sciences, engineering, and technology, and the support received in from parents to study in these areas. This During the years 1995-97, six enrichment paper summarizes results of 70 students' responses programs for middle school students were organized and provides some insight about adolescents on by the consortium. Rathod and Gipson presented the engineering and technical education. curriculum ...