This chapter introduces an emerging body of research exploring relationships between positioning and emotions. First, previous research is described and related to ways in which positioning has been related to emotions: (1) positioning processes can trigger emotions, (2) emotions can function as resources in positioning, (3) persons can be positioned as (un)emotional, (4) positioning theory provides a useful analytic lens for studying emotions, and (5) emotions can provide a useful analytic lens for studying positioning. Second, the concept of emotional positioning is introduced to focus researchers’ analytic attention on the various ways in which positioning is achieved in and through emotions and emotion discourse. Finally, four visions are outlined for future research on emotional positioning, focusing on (I) power issues, (II) multimodal data analysis, (III) integrating research and practice, and (IV) contributions to emotion research. The authors hope that a better understanding of key terms, previous research, and visions for the future research will inspire more positioning researchers and doctoral students to engage with this timely, exciting, and important area of research.