The article is devoted to the role of the scientific activity of a higher education applicant in the formation of the competencies of a modern specialist. Due to the high level of competition in the modern labor market, the requirements for future specialists are also changing. Educational reforms have contributed to an emphasis on stimulating the creativity of young people. Higher education fulfills the task of developing general and professional competencies of applicants. The article considers the main tasks of the scientific activity of higher education, its types, forms of scientific activity. The authors note that learning is the main activity of students, but other activities, including scientific activities, will contribute to the acquisition of professional competencies that are in demand on the labor market. The task of the educational institution is to create conditions for the applicant to acquire the skills of research work and learn the methods of scientific research during the period of study. Particular attention is paid to the participation of students in the preparation of scientific projects and grants. Involvement of young people in their development gives them the opportunity to reveal their potential in the creative solution of current problems through the use of non-traditional approaches. An important issue is the motivation of student youth for scientific activity. Effective motivation should be based on the needs, aspirations and desires of students, the main of which are considered by the authors of the article. The authors’ own experience of the professional activity of the authors at the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” made it possible to conclude that the scientific activity of its applicants is an integral part of the educational process. The university has created all conditions for the scientific activity of applicants of all levels of education. The article defines the main directions of scientific activity in higher education, the implementation of which contributes to the formation of future specialists’ readiness to independently solve complex problems of a search nature. The results of this study confirm the important role of scientific activity. It develops as much as possible depth of thinking, scientific intuition among applicants for higher education, forms research skills, cultivates the ability to work in a team, which makes them competitive specialists in the labor market.