Idle No More has proven to be an important movement in the politicizing of Native rights and environmental issues in Canada and internationally, evidenced by the network of solidarity that quickly formed during the initial stages of organizing. Coordinated and articulated through massive online and social media coverage, Round Dances, very often organized by Indigenous youth, were an important means of expressing cultural sovereignty and political dissent. Not to be lost in the performative features of this dissent are the links to Indigenous peoples' historical resistance to past political organizing and cultural persistence in the face of countless arbitrary enactments of colonial state laws seeking to undermine Indigenous sovereignty. In highlighting the culturally sovereign practices associated with Idle No More as fundamental to a resumptive pedagogy, interlaced by cultural and political activism, we are witnesses to teaching and learning methods that seek to engage Indigenous youth not for the purpose of radicalizing them but, rather, to prepare them to honor a long history of asserting rights and fulfilling responsibilities, as these responsibilities are associated with legacies of precolonial epistemologies.