“…In Dusk of Dawn, an interesting combination of autobiography and academic treatise on race, Du Bois explained, "where I studied, what I wrote and what I could get published-all this depended and depended primarily upon an overwhelming mass of my fellow citizens in the United States, from whose society I was largely excluded"~Du Bois 1940b, Chapter 6, p. 653!. Du Bois was not considered, until recently, to be germinal to the development of sociology in the United States~Green and Driver, 1978;Zuckerman 2004!. In Du Bois's words, "We rated merely as Negroes studying Negroes, and after all, what had Negroes to do with America or science? "~Du Bois 1968, Chapter XIII, p. 228!. Over time, Du Bois has become more accepted as one of the founders of American sociology~Marable 1986, p. 28;Marable 2004;Wortham 2005;Wright 2002aWright , 2002bWright , 2005!.…”