“…Accordingly, even as I focus in this article on formal political arenas, elections and routine party politics, I do so by concentrating first on The 2009 presidential elections brought to the fore the relevance of ritualized elements and affective dynamics. As underscored by recent ethnographic research on the procedural elements and party politics of other democratic polities (see Banerjee 2007;Coles 2004;Lazar 2004;McDonald 1997;McLeod 1999), these rituals and affective dynamicsoverlooked in previous analyses of elections-shed light on the processes by which voters calculate their stakes in elections. Abstention, which had predominated in El Salvador's elections until 2004, i has typically been explained as a symptom of cynicism and disillusionment (Cruz 1998a(Cruz , 2001 A few months before the presidential elections, Marta, the seventy-year-old woman who heads my host family, was chatting with a friend below a prominent poster of Mauricio…”