Coastal zones are important for the development of human activities, their use has transcended by the goods and services that provide for society ranging from support, climate regulation and economic use to recreation. So tourism should be an example of good and service provided by the coasts that involves economic and recreational purposes, but also for environmental conservation and responsible social use. The use of beaches as tourist spaces, derived an important socio-environmental dynamic that has not always been beneficial for the environment. The urban growth and the massification of these spaces has caused pollution and environmental pressure on coastal environments, especially in the beaches that had a traditional growth lacking in planning. The coastal zone for tourist activity represents complex social reproduction scenarios that must be studied from methodologies that allow the involvement of the multiple actors involved to improve the management of these spaces. In this sense, it is considered that the connection between the socio-environmental peculiarities of the coasts should be based on local studies that allow giving a leading role to the community towards a sustainable use of the coasts. For this reason, the case of Puerto Escondido Oaxaca is taken as an example, with the aim of developing a management proposal based on the Soft Systems Methodology for sustainable self-management. This methodology, due to its flexibility, allowed generating a participatory diagnosis to create improvement proposals. The results show a conceptual model of self-management as an approach to the improvement of beach management, using these beaches in Oaxaca as an example.
Keywords: Tourist beaches, Self-management, Systemic Approach.