SUMMARYThe super database computer SDC-I1 is a backend massively parallel SQL server, designed for superhigh-speed processing of queries in relational database systems. The experimental system is composed of tightly coupled parallel processing modules, each containing up to seven CPUs, four disks and two data network interfaces, and a highly functional omega network connecting eight such modules. This paper describes first the parallel relational database processing system, and then proposes a query execution model for its efficient realization. The execution model uses four basic primitives (getpage, putpage, getFree and putFree), which are functions. Processing is performed pagewise using these basic operations. GetPage fetches a page from the disk read buffer, followed by getFree to acquire a free page from the free page pool. The results are sent to a disk write buffer with putpage, and putFree frees the page fetched from the read buffer. In other words, the processing progresses with the page moving around the system. The dataflow control for the input/output processes in the secondary memory for the efficient query processing are discussed in detail later. The method for avoiding and recovering from deadlock are described. Finally, the software system implemented on the SDC-I1 is considered describing its components and functions. Measurement results for the execution of the TPC-D benchmark are shown, indicating that efficient operation is realized.