With the ultimate aim of using the fundamental or f -mode to study helioseismic aspects of turbulence-generated magnetic flux concentrations, we use randomly forced hydromagnetic simulations of a piecewise isothermal layer in two dimensions with reflecting boundaries at top and bottom. We compute numerically diagnostic wavenumber-frequency diagrams of the vertical velocity at the interface between the denser gas below and the less dense gas above. For an Alfvén-to-sound speed ratio of about 0.1, a 5% frequency increase of the f -mode can be measured when k x H p = 3-4, where k x is the horizontal wavenumber and H p is the pressure scale height at the surface. Since the solar radius is about 2000 times larger than H p , the corresponding spherical harmonic degree would be 6000-8000. For weaker fields, a k x -dependent frequency decrease by the turbulent motions becomes dominant. For vertical magnetic fields, the frequency is enhanced for k x H p ≈ 4, but decreased relative to its nonmagnetic value for k x H p ≈ 9.