GEORGE KOTOVYCH and GERDY H. M. AARTS. Can. J. Chem. 60,2617Chem. 60, (1982 Nuclear Overhauser effect one-dimensional and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance experiments are reported for prostaglandin E l . The two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect measurements are combined with spin-echo correlated spectroscopy in order to assign the complete high-field proton magnetic resonance spectrum of 6-keto-prostaglandin E,. The advantages of these two-dimensional techniques are illustrated in these studies. It is also observed that the 6-keto-prostaglandin E l H-loci proton is substituted more readily by deuterium than are the other protons a to the keto groups. Chem. 60,2617Chem. 60, (1982. On rapporte des experiences en rmn sur I'effet Overhauser nucleaire a une e t a deux dimensions pour la prostaglandine E l . Les mesures de l'effet Overhauser nucleaire sont combinees avec la spectroscopie spin-echo de correlation dans le but d'identifier le spectre complet de resonance magnetique du proton a haut champ de la ceto-6 prostaglandine E l . On illustre dans ces etudes les avantages de ces techniques a deux dimensions. On a Cgalement observe que le proton H-lOa de la prostaglandine E, est substitue plus facilement par le deuterium que les autres protons en a des groupes cetoniques.[Traduit par le journal]Prostacyclin (Prostaglandin I,, PGI,) is the most potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation and a potent vasodilator (1, 2). It is unstable and rapidly hydrolyses to 6-keto-prostaglandin F,,. The metabolism of PGI, or 6-keto-prostaglandin F,, by 9-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase in human platelets leads to a more stable substance, 6-keto-prostaglandin El (6-keto-PGE,) (3) with similar biological activity to PGI, (4, 5). In our continuing studies of the structure-activity relationships of PGI, and its derivatives, we found it very difficult to analyze the complete proton magnetic resonance spectrum of 6-keto-PGE,. Even at 400 MHz, due to the overlap of the multiplets in the high-field region, standard decoupling and one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (nOe) measurements could not be used to assign all of the proton resonances. The complete assignment was possible by means of the combined two-dimensional nOe measurements and spin-echo correlated spectroscopy (SECSY).The selective proton-proton one-dimensional (ID) nOe experiments have been extensively applied in the study of molecular structure and conformation (6-9). This experiment requires the measurement of the intensity change of a proton resonance upon saturating another proton. Twodimensional nOe experiments have recently been developed for the investigation of cross-relaxation 'Paper No. 9 in a series of high-field nmr studies on the prostaglandins and vitamins. For paper No. 8, see ref. 31. and chemical exchange processes (10-15). The advantages of this technique over the one-dimensional nOe experiment are (a) the simultaneous measurement of all the nOe's between closelyspaced protons in a molecule, and (b) the elimination of problems assoc...