In t h e context of swath bathymetry with multibeam echo-sounders, seafloor echoes received a t regularly spaced elements of a hydrophone array a r e summed coherently to form a number of directional beams from which athwartships depth measurements are derived. This process can b e implemented as a conventional beamformer leading to estimates of the direction of arrival of the echoes for each time sample. T h e process is inadequate in resolving closely spaced synchronous returns and the accuracy of these estimates is proportional to the number of acoustic d a t a samples used in the process. To improve the angular resolution we have considered a number of high-resolution algorithms well known in power spectral estimation applications: autoregressive techniques (i.e.Yule-Walker , and unconstrained least squares), minimum variance methods (i.e. Capon's method), and eigenanalysis algorithms (i.e. MUSIC). Comparisous of results obtained with realistic multibeam sonar siinulations show that these algorithms have higher accuracy and better potential for high-resolution bathymetry thau t h e conventional beamformer under nominal SNR levels.
I. INTRODIJCTIONIn multibeam echo-sounder systems the acoustic information a t the receiver sensors can be translated to sequences of direction of arrival versus time and then to bathymetry. For an effective and accurate survey of the seafloor the design of such sonar systems aspires to provide the widest cross-track coverage with the highest spatial resolution possible. Although these two requirements are often contradictory, a fair compromise can be achieved through a combination of array design and signal processing techniques.The spatial resolution of the bathymetric map generated from a multibeam sonar system is constrained by the bandwidth of the system, the aperture of the receiver arrays and the number of beams formed athwartships.The conventional FFT or time delay beamforming processes combined with the center of mass or split aperture correlator bottom detection algorithms are most commonly used in current bathymetric systems since they offer computationally efficient, acceptable resolution for real time bathymetry [I]. However, processing of sonar acoustic (lata with high-resolution power spectrum estirnation rnethods can resolve closely spaced bottom features present in the field of view of the receivrr array better than the conventional beamforming processes [2].The paper begins with a review of the conventional beamforming and bottom detection processes and the implied limitations in bathymetric resolution. Next, we describe the beamforming methods for high-resolution bathymetry. Finally, the obtained resolution performance from simulated data IS presented. The beamforming process is discussed under the assumption of plane waves in the far field of the acoustic sensors. Sensor data and weights are assumed complex, since in practical applications quadrature sampling is used at each sensor to generate inphase and quadrature (1 and Q) data. Narrow band signals (bandwidth ...