Linked lists represent a countable number of ordered values, and are among the most important abstract data types in computer science. With the advent of RDF as a highly expressive knowledge representation language for the Web, various implementations for RDF lists have been proposed. Yet, there is no benchmark so far dedicated to evaluate the performance of triple stores and SPARQL query engines on dealing with ordered linked data. Moreover, essential tasks for evaluating RDF lists, like generating datasets containing RDF lists of various sizes, or generating the same RDF list using different modelling choices, are cumbersome and unprincipled. In this paper, we propose List.MID , a systematic benchmark for evaluating systems serving RDF lists. List.MID consists of a dataset generator, which creates RDF list data in various models and of different sizes; and a set of SPARQL queries. The RDF list data is coherently generated from a large, community-curated base collection of Web MIDI files, rich in lists of musical events of arbitrary length. We describe the List.MID benchmark, and discuss its impact and adoption, reusability, design, and availability.